SANTACORPS: Moonlight Tango Mac OS

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Download free video chat software for windows that works behind a router or firewall. Live video chat 1-on-1 and join video chat rooms with various extensive features. Contains classes designed for Gear VR development. It includes sub-folders with mobile equivalents of all top-level folders (Editor, Materials, Prefabs, et cetera). Contains the main Unity prefabs that are used to provide the VR support for a Unity scene: OVRCameraRig and OVRPlayerController. 1986 – Moonlight Shadows 01. Every Breath You Take – 04:09 02. Hello – 04:10 03. The Power Of Love – 04:53 04. Hey Jude – 03:45 05. Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) – 03:26 06. Memory – 03:57 07. Dancing In The Dark – 03:45 08. Whiter Shade Of Pale – 05:01 09. Moonlight Shadow – 03:43 10. Three Times A Lady – 03:53. Audioslave - Like a Stone Rage Against The Mac - Killing In The Name Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication Panic! At The Disco - This Is Gospel Acoust Taylor Swift - Teardrops on my guitar Audioslave - Show Me How To Live Audioslave - Cochise Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart Eagles - Hotel California Don Moen - Our Father.

This section examines the Utilities package, including its directory structure, the supplied prefabs, and several key C# scripts.



The contents of the OVR folder in OculusUtilities.unitypackage are uniquely named and should be safe to import into an existing project.

The OVR directory contains the following subdirectories:


Contains scripts that add functionality to the Unity Editor, and enhance several C# component scripts.


Contains materials that are used for graphical components within the Utilities package, such as the main GUI display.


Contains meshes that are required by some OVR scripts, such as the TrackerBounds.


Contains classes designed for Gear VR development. It includes sub-folders with mobile equivalents of all top-level folders (Editor, Materials, Prefabs, et cetera).


Contains the main Unity prefabs that are used to provide the VR support for a Unity scene: OVRCameraRig and OVRPlayerController. These prefabs are not required to provide tracked VR in Unity 5 (see Unity VR Support).


Contains sample scenes illustrating common concepts.


Contains the C# files that are used to tie the VR framework and Unity components together. Many of these scripts work together within the various Prefabs.


Contains image assets that are required by some of the script components.

Note: We strongly recommend that developers not directly modify the included OVR scripts.


The Plugins folder contains the OVRGamepad.dll, which enables scripts to communicate with the Xbox gamepad on Windows (both 32 and 64-bit versions).

This folder also contains the plugin for Mac OS: OVRGamepad.bundle.


Utilities for Unity 5 provides prefabs in Assets/OVR/Prefabs:

  • OVRCameraRig
  • OVRPlayerController
  • OVRCubemapCaptureProbe
  • OVRTrackerBounds (deprecated)

To use, simply drag and drop one of the prefabs into your scene.


OVRCameraRig replaces the regular Unity Camera within a scene. You can drag an OVRCameraRig into your scene and you will be able to start viewing the scene with the Gear VR and Rift.

Note: Make sure to turn off any other Camera in the scene to ensure that OVRCameraRig is the only one being used.

Figure 1. OVRCameraRig and OVRManager

OVRCameraRig contains one Unity camera, the pose of which is controlled by head tracking; two “anchor” GameObjects for the left and right eyes; and one “tracking space” GameObject that allows you to fine-tune the relationship between the head tracking reference frame and your world. The rig is meant to be attached to a moving object, such as a character walking around, a car, a gun turret, et cetera. This replaces the conventional Camera.

The following scripts (components) are attached to the OVRCameraRig prefab:

  • OVRCameraRig.cs
  • OVRManager.cs


The OVRPlayerController is the easiest way to start navigating a virtual environment. It is basically an OVRCameraRig prefab attached to a simple character controller. It includes a physics capsule, a movement system, a simple menu system with stereo rendering of text fields, and a cross-hair component.

To use, drag the player controller into an environment and begin moving around using a gamepad, or a keyboard and mouse.

Note: Make sure that collision detection is active in the environment.

One script (Components) is attached to the OVRPlayerController prefab:

  • OVRPlayerController.cs

Figure 2. OVRPlayerController


Santacorps: Moonlight Tango Mac Os 11

This prefab allows you to capture a static 360 screenshot of your application while it is running, either at a specified time after launch, when a specified key is pressed, or when the static function OVRCubemapCapture.TriggerCubemapCapture is called. For more information on this function, see our Unity Developer Reference.

OVRCubemapCaptureProbe is based on OVR Screenshot (see OVR Screenshot for more information).

Screenshots are taken from the perspective of your scene camera. They are written to a specified directory and may be either JPEG or PNG. File type is specified by the file extension entered in the Path Name field; default is PNG. Resolution is configurable.

Basic Use

Drag OVRCubemapCaptureProbe into the scene and set the parameters as desired in the Inspector view.


Auto Trigger After Launch

Select to enable capture after a delay specified in Auto Trigger Delay. Otherwise capture is triggered by the keypress specified in Triggered by Key.

Auto Trigger Delay

Specify delay after application launch before cubemap is taken. (requires Auto Trigger After Launch selected).

Triggered By Key

Specifies key to trigger image capture (requires Auto Trigger After Launch not selected).

Path Name

Specifies directory, file name, and file type (JPEG or PNG) for screen capture.

Windows default path: C:Users$usernameAppDataLocalLowSample$yourAppNameOVR_ScreenShot306

Android default path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.unity3d.$yourAppName/files/OVR_ScreenShot360/

Default file type: PNG.

Cubemap Size

Specify size (2048 x 2048 is default, and is the resolution required for preview cubemaps submitted to the Oculus Store).

OVRTrackerBounds (Deprecated)

Drag OVRTrackerBounds into your scene, as a child of the OVRCameraRig’s CenterEyeAnchor. It will add an arrow that will appear and cue users that they are approaching the limits of the tracking frustum. Parameters are configured in the Inspector view.

Note: This prefab is provided primarily as a reference example.

Unity Components

This section gives a general overview of the Components provided by the Utilities package.


OVRCameraRig is a Component that controls stereo rendering and head tracking. It maintains three child “anchor” Transforms at the poses of the left and right eyes, as well as a virtual “center” eye that is halfway between them.

This Component is the main interface between Unity and the cameras. It is attached to a prefab that makes it easy to add comfortable VR support to a scene.

Important: All camera control should be done through this component. You should understand this script when implementing your own camera control mechanism.

Mobile and PC Public Members

Updated Anchors

Allows clients to filter the poses set by tracking. Used to modify or ignore positional tracking.

GameObject Structure


A GameObject that defines the reference frame used by tracking. You can move this relative to the OVRCameraRig for use cases in which the rig needs to respond to tracker input. For example, OVRPlayerController changes the position and rotation of TrackingSpace to make the character controller follow the yaw of the current head pose.


OVRManager is the main interface to the VR hardware. It is a singleton that exposes the Oculus SDK to Unity, and includes helper functions that use the stored Oculus variables to help configure camera behavior.

Santacorps: moonlight tango mac os 11

This component is added to the OVRCameraRig prefab. It can be part of any application object. However, it should only be declared once, because it includes public members that allow for changing certain values in the Unity Inspector.

OVRManager.cs contains the following public members:

Mobile and PC Public Members


If true, rendering will try to optimize for a single viewpoint rather than rendering once for each eye. Not supported on all platforms.

PC-Only Public Members

Use Position Tracking

Disables the IR tracker and causes head position to be inferred from the current rotation using the head model.

Reset Tracker On Load

This value defaults to True. When turned off, subsequent scene loads will not reset the tracker. This will keep the tracker orientation the same from scene to scene, as well as keep magnetometer settings intact.

Tracking Origin Type

Set to Eye Level to track the position and orientation y-axis relative to the HMD’s position. Set to Floor Level to track position and orientation relative to the floor, based on the user’s standing height as specified in the Oculus Configuration Utility. Default is Eye Level.

Helper Classes

In addition to the above components, your scripts can always access the HMD state via static members of OVRManager.


Provides the pose and rendering state of the HMD.


Provides the pose, frustum, and tracking status of the infrared tracking sensor.

Rift Recentering

OVRManager.display.RecenterPose() recenters the head pose and the tracked controller pose, if present (see OVRInput for more information on tracking controllers).

If Tracking Origin Type is set to Floor Level, OVRManager.display.RecenterPose() resets the x-, y-, and z-axis position to origin. If it is set to Eye Level, the x-, y-, and z-axis are all reset to origin, with the y-value corresponding to the height calibration performed with the Oculus Configuration Utility. In both cases, the y rotation is reset to 0, but the x and z rotation are unchanged to maintain a consistent ground plane.

Recenter requests are passed to the Oculus C API. For a more detailed description of what happens subsequently, please see VR Focus Management in our PC SDK Developer Guide.



OVRPlayerController implements a basic first-person controller for the VR framework. It is attached to the OVRPlayerController prefab, which has an OVRCameraRig attached to it.

The controller will interact properly with a Unity scene, provided that the scene has collision detection assigned to it.

OVRPlayerController contains a few variables attached to sliders that change the physics properties of the controller. This includes Acceleration (how fast the player will increase speed), Dampening (how fast a player will decrease speed when movement input is not activated), Back and Side Dampen (how much to reduce side and back Acceleration), Rotation Amount (the amount in degrees per frame to rotate the user in the Y axis) and Gravity Modifier (how fast to accelerate player down when in the air). When HMD Rotates Y is set, the actual Y rotation of the cameras will set the Y rotation value of the parent transform that it is attached to.

The OVRPlayerController prefab has an empty GameObject attached to it called ForwardDirection. This GameObject contains the matrix which motor control bases it direction on. This GameObject should also house the body geometry which will be seen by the player.


OVRGridCube is a helper class that shows a grid of cubes when activated. Its main purpose is to be used as a way to know where the ideal center of location is for the user’s eye position. This is especially useful when positional tracking is activated. The cubes will change color to red when positional data is available, and will remain blue if position tracking is not available, or change back to blue if vision is lost.


Warns players when the HMD moves outside the trackable range.

GameObject Structure


An empty GameObject attached to the OVRPlayerController prefab containing the matrix upon which motor control bases its direction. This GameObject should also house the body geometry which will be seen by the player.

See TrackingSpace in “OVRCameraRig” for more information

For information on OVRInput, see link.

Oculus Scripts and Scenes

You will find the following sample scenes located in Assets/OVR/Scenes:


An empty scene with one cube and a plain Unity camera.


A cubic room formed from six cubes enclosing an OVRPlayerController.


A 3D array of cubes and an OVRCameraRig.

These scripts for assisting with mobile development are located in Assets/OVR/Moonlight/:

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A simple behavior that can be attached to the parent of the CameraRig to provide movement via the gamepad, useful for testing applications in Unity without an HMD.


Add to an object with a Quad mesh filter to have the quad rendered as a TimeWarp overlay instead by drawing it into the eye buffer.


Helper component for detecting Back Key long-press to bring-up the Universal Menu and Back Key short-press to bring up the Confirm-Quit to Home Menu. Additionally implements a Wait Timer for displaying Long Press Time. For more information on interface guidelines and requirements, please review Interface Guidelines and Universal Menu in the Mobile SDK documentation.


Interface class to a touchpad.

These simple scripts for assisting with mobile development are located in Assets/OVR/Moonlight/Utils:


Drop-in component for toggling chromatic aberration correction on and off for Android.


Drop-in component for toggling the TimeWarp debug graph on and off. Information regarding the TimeWarp Debug Graph may be found in the TimeWarp technical note in the Mobile SDK documentation.


Example code for de-clocking your application to reduce power and thermal load as well as how to query the current power level state.


Drop-in component for toggling Monoscopic rendering on and off for Android.


Drop-in component for resetting the camera orientation.


Helper component for auto-rotating a wait cursor.

See our Oculus Utilities for Unity Reference Manual for a more detailed look at these and other C# scripts. Undocumented scripts may be considered internal, and should generally never be modified.

Oculus Mobile SDK Examples

The SDK Examples project demonstrates useful scenarios and functionality for Gear VR development.

The Examples include sample scenes, scripts that allow you to toggle features including chromatic aberration correction, TimeWarp debug graph, and monoscopic rendering, and samples that illustrate typical implementations of touchpad input, volume control, and more.

To download, select Platform: Game Engines from our Downloads page here:

To import SDKExamples into Unity, begin by creating a new, empty project. Then select Assets>Import Package > Custom Package… and select SDKExamples.unityPackage to import the assets into your project. Alternately, you can locate the SDKExamples.unityPackage and double-click to launch, which will have the same effect.

Once imported, replace your Unity project’s ProjectSettings folder with the ProjectSettings folder included with SDKExamples.

Note: If you don’t replace the ProjectSettings folder, imported scenes will show console errors.

You will find the following sample scenes located in Assets/Scenes:


An example of how to set the TimeWarp vsync rate to support 30Hz apps, as well as how to enable Chromatic Aberration Correction and Monoscopic Rendering for Android. For more information on 30Hz TimeWarp and Chromatic Aberration Correction for Android, please review the TimeWarp technical note in theMobile SDK documentation.


A simple box room for testing.


An example of how to use a 3D cursor in the world with three different modes.


An example of how to attach avatar geometry to the OVRPlayerController.


An example demonstrating Back Key long-press action and the Universal Menu. Additionally demonstrates a gaze cursor with trail. For more information on Interface Guidelines and requirements, please review the following documents: Interface Guidelines andUniversal Menu in the Mobile SDK documentation.


Illustrates how to render nearby and far-away content with separate cameras.


An example demonstrating a simple in-game menu activated by Back Key short-press action. The menu also uses the Battery Level API for displaying the current battery level and temperature.


An example demonstrating basic in-game video using Android MediaPlayer.


An example of switching cameras in one scene.


An example demonstrating saving the state of the game on pause and loading it on resume. Click on the objects in the scene to change their color. When you run the scene again, the objects should be in the color you had selected before exiting.


An example of a quick, comfortable VR app loading experience utilizing a black splash screen, VR enabled logo scene, and an async main level load. For more information on interface guidelines, please review Interface Guidelines and Universal Menu in the Mobile SDK documentation.

These example scripts are located in Assets/Scripts/:


Detailed code for how to create judder-free crosshairs tied to the camera view.


Example code and documentation for how to play an in-game video on a textured quad using Android MediaPlayer (mobile) or Unity’s native media rendering (PC).


For use with the sample scene.


Example code for loading a minimal-scene on startup while loading the main scene in the background.


Example code for setting up TimeWarp to support 30Hz apps as well as toggling Chromatic Aberration Correction and Monoscopic Rendering on and off.

Looking for Good Night Messages for Her? Send her that romantic good night message. All a woman is looking for is a lovely man that can be her night smooth.

It’s very important to put a smile on her before she goes to bed at night. It will make her think of you and know that she is still in your thoughts.

Here are the best goodnight wishes and messages to greet your friends a very special good night and cherish all the crazy things you do together. So don’t miss to wish your bestie good night before they head to bed tonight and let them know that you are praying for them a special dream.

It feels great to have someone to wish good night before we go to sleep. For me, it’s a double pleasure because that someone is my best friend. Good night!

All I want is to wish you is a good night because my friend, you are the very last thought on my mind before I go to sleep!

Thank you for giving me all your time today. Now your bed is waiting for you. Go now and feel the warmth of her body. Good night!

Our friendship is brighter than the moonlight. Because the moon only appears in the night. But our friendship remains 24 hours. Good night buddy.

May the angels from heaven bring the sweetest of all dreams for you. May you have long and blissful sleep full of happy dreams. Good night my friend!

Thanks for calling me and talking with me till late night. Now, you need a good sleep. Good night my friend.

I am lucky that I have found a friend like you. I am sending this message with lots of love. Good night friend. Have a sweet dream.

You know God has given us the night to remove our stress, sadness, and tiredness. So utilize the time. Go to sleep and relax. Good night dear.

We did not meet by chance but because fate wanted us to. You are the person who understands me and helps me at all times and at difficult moments. Thank you for being my best friend, may you have sweet dreams.

Even if I had a bad start with my day, spending it with you magically turns it into a bright day. Good night my best friend!

I could have sent you a funny joke, inspirational quote or a sweet message. But I have chosen to simply remind you that we are best friends… because our friendship itself makes our lives FUNNY, INSPIRATIONAL and SWEET. Good night.

A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you, my friend, lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.

I lasted a day without you, but it’s not as happy as those days when I’m with you. I miss you, friends! Hoping to see you tomorrow. Good night!

Fluffy pillows and cozy covers, beautiful dreams, and the warmest snuggles. May your dreams are full of wonderful thoughts and lovely things.

Stop thinking about all the things people said to hurt your feelings. Just hold on tightly to the memories of all the times someone made you smile. Good night.

As the sun sets, lovers, send each other hug and kisses while friends send each other luck and wishes. I hope that this night brings you luck which helps you fulfill all the dreams that your dreams. Good night.

Real friendship is where quirks are celebrated, eccentricities are applauded and idiosyncrasies are flaunted. Ours is exactly like that. Good night.

Sometimes I miss you so much that I go through our old photos to make this sadness go away, but it makes me even sadder! Life with you is so much better, buddy. Can’t wait to see you again. Goodnight!

Are you ready for a sleep? Don’t hurry and let me wish you sweet dreams. Hug you.

May an amazing day be followed by a really good night. May all the troubles and concerns just go away for a while and don’t disturb you in your sleep. May this night bring you rest and tranquillity. Good night!

Good night. These two simple words really make difference, because they mean that you’re not alone and there’s always someone who guards your sleep. Sleep tight and don’t worry about a thing.

We are so exhausted at day’s end that the only thing we really want is to get into the bed and hear somebody wishing us good night. Well, good night!

This night is so bright and full of stars. May you have a dream as beautiful as this night. Kisses!

Saying “good night” is such a great bedtime ritual. I think people should say it more often, because these words are able to dismiss all the nightmares and give calm and peaceful sleep.

Have all the rest of your life tonight because tomorrow, we are going to have a hell of a day. Good night my friend. See you tomorrow.

I am very much thankful to my God. Because He gave me the most amazing person as a friend. It’s you, dear. Good night my friend.

When the night comes, we may not be with each other anymore. But the warmth of our friendship is always there to comfort us. Good night my friend.

It feels really great to have a friend like you who I can always count on. Good night, sleep tight.

No need to be upset for any reason in life ever because I’m always here to have your back. Good night dear friend!

Thank you for having my back. You are a valuable friend to me. Have the sweetest dreams in your slumber. Goodnight.

You must be feeling so tired after an entire day of listening to all my useless words. It’s time to sleep now. Wish you have the best sleep and the sweetest dreams of your life. Good night.

Thank you for everything you did for me today, you are a great person and I value your friendship, have a good night sleep that tomorrow we will have new challenges to face.

Every night is like a refresh button in your life. When you go to sleep, you press refresh and give yourself a chance to start afresh the next day. Good night friends.

I know I take you for granted every now and then even though you are my bestie, but being alone every night reminds me of how precious you are to me.

I will be someone who’ll help you shave the dark clouds and search for the stars in the darkest of your life. Good night buddy!

Sometimes I am goofy, but don’t ever think that I don’t care. No matter what, for you, I will always be there. Good night.

Goodnight it is to you my friend you’re the star that God has to send shining brightly on the dark sky leaving me with a warm smile.

When I say good night to special friends like you, it is an all-in-one wish which means Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Miss You and See You Soon.

No sleepless night can bother my friend! I will fight every nightmare so you could sleep in peace. Miss you like crazy! Goodnight!

Good night, sleep tight. I hope that you will sleep well and be energetic in the morning.

Every time you close your eyes and fall asleep, may you have only good dreams. And every time you open your eyes in the morning, may the reality be also great! Good night.

I can’t believe that this long day has come to an end. After all, wishing you to rest and recover. Sleep is necessary for our beauty!

A really good night is when neighbours are calm and their dog is not barking all night long. I wish that nothing could interrupt your precious sleep, until the morning sun shows up. Good night!

Santacorps: Moonlight Tango Mac Os Download

The memories of our friendship are like the radiance of the moon and the fun times we’ve had together are like the twinkle of the stars that light up my life’s skies. Good night.

Let’s go to sleep my friend, we are pleased to have given all our efforts during this day, I know that tomorrow is a new opportunity and we will do our best. Sweet dreams.

Thank you God for giving me these precious gifts: my friends. Look after them while sleeping because I want to spend another day with them. Good night chums!

My friend, you are the light in my dark, the smooth in my roughs. The correct in my wrong, the easy in my toughs. The bright in my dull, the good in my bad. The smile in my frowns, the happy in my sad. Good night.

You will only be able to enjoy your night if you stop thinking about yesterday and stop worrying about tomorrow. So sleep tight and immerse yourself in your favorite dream. Good night.

Whenever I feel bogged down by life’s worries, I simply dive into the beautifully endless abyss of our friendship’s memories. Good night.

Use every second of the night to dream about all that you want to achieve in life and use every second of the following day to achieve every dream you saw the last night. Good night my friend.

When I wake up in the morning, I know my day is going to be great because I have a friend like you who can make my days special. Good night and rest tight!

The night is dark and long. I wish you a peaceful sleep which will take away all the tiredness. Good night dear. Have a sweet dream.

Dear best friend, you are the most beautiful minded person I have ever met. I wish you a very charming and peaceful night. Good night dear.

In this beautiful night, I am sending a charming message to a charming person. Goodnight dear best friend. Have nice sleep.

Enjoy the night and think about your life. You are a special gift from God. I wish you a wonderful night. Have a sound sleep dear.

May the sweetest dreams guide you through this night, and your morning be the happiest of all. I love you and miss you, bud. Have a very good night!

I’m texting to wish you sweet dreams only. Sleep tight, buddy, and may the great harmony find your heart and mind. See you as soon as possible! Have a good night!

I hope that you will be sleeping well tonight, fella. I will do my best to appear in your dreams and make you laugh till your stomach hurts. Have a very good night, bud!

Every night I go to sleep very happy because thanks to you I have very special moments. You have become my best friend and I appreciate it. May you rest so you can recharge your energies.

Just as the moon lights up the sky when it is dark, you light up my life with your advice when I am going through difficult times. May you rest quiet dear friend, goodnight.

As the light goes dim and the world goes silent let your eyes and body take some rest. Make sure to make it sweet and sound. Good Night.

Even the melancholy of a dark and lonely night transforms into a sweet harmony when I think about the memories of our friendship. Good night.

Santacorps: Moonlight Tango Mac Os Catalina

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